
Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server Wins its Third VBSpam+ Certificate in a Row


Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server has once again proved its effectiveness in combating spam by winning the VBSpam+ certificate, following tests conducted by independent researchers at Virus Bulletin.

Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server has once again proved its effectiveness in combating spam by winning the VBSpam+ certificate, following tests conducted by independent researchers at Virus Bulletin. According to the published report, Kaspersky Lab’s solution demonstrated the best performance, with a detection rate of 99.97%.

The final result is based on two criteria which indicate how effectively spam and legitimate emails are detected. As part of the test, the solution had to process legitimate e-mail traffic consisting of newsletters and individual emails, as well as several flows of spam messages collected by projects Abusix and Project Honey Pot. The final result comprises the scores calculated from the percentage of detected spam and penalties imposed for any false positives. Solutions that achieve a result of 98% or more are awarded the VBSpam certificate; a 99.5% detection rate with no false positives for emails and no more than 2.5% false positives for newsletters achieves the VBSpam+ certificate.

Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server detected 99.90% of spam messages from Abusix and 99.96% of spam messages from the Project Honey Pot flow, without producing a single false positive on emails or mass mailings. According to the test results, the Kaspersky Lab product missed just 33 out of 126,046 spam messages without blocking a single one of the 10,858 legitimate emails. That puts the Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server on top compared with other solutions, with a detection rate of 99.97%.

“Taking first place in the VBSpam rating is the highest possible achievement for an anti-spam product. Virus Bulletin thoroughly tests, not only the quality of spam detection demonstrated by different solutions (the solutions are now fighting over hundredths and sometimes thousandths of a percent), but also the proportion of false positives (which is crucial both for business and personal correspondence). It was not easy to achieve this result and we are extremely pleased to win this accolade!” said Eugene Smirnov, Head of Content Filtering Research, Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server has been participating in the VBSpam tests, carried out every two months, since July 2012. Throughout this time, the Kaspersky Lab solution has won numerous awards. In the last 12 tests conducted between May 2013 and March 2015, Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server received eight VBSpam+ certificates.

Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server Wins its Third VBSpam+ Certificate in a Row

Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server has once again proved its effectiveness in combating spam by winning the VBSpam+ certificate, following tests conducted by independent researchers at Virus Bulletin.
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