
Kaspersky Lab: Kids Spend More Of Their Lives Online As They Grow Up


Kids today spend more of their lives online than offline, according to research carried out by Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth.

Kids today spend more of their lives online than offline, according to research carried out by Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth. As kids grow older, offline activities tend to transfer to the online world. Moreover, three-in-four children prefer to use the Internet to get information, rather than any other source. These findings show that children can become even more vulnerable online without parental supervision and support.

Children stay close to their mobile devices all day, and even tend to sleep with them, so that they can go online around the clock from any location. The research shows that four-in-ten are reluctant to put their smartphone down even during mealtimes. Furthermore, 23% of parents of 8-10 year olds admitted that their kids take their mobile phones to bed with them. This number grows to 41% for parents of 11-13 year olds and reaches 64% for parents of 14-16 year olds. 

The Internet has deeply penetrated into children’s lives. It connects them to their friends and relatives, they use it to find information, for entertainment and consider it as a destination point when looking for the latest news. Practically all activities that are of interest to children – from social contacts, to games and movies etc. – are accessible online. The difference in usage among kids who are 8-10 years old and those aged 14-16 years old can easily be tracked. The older they get, the more they “export” their offline activities to the online world.

With the rise of social networks, the way people communicate to each other has changed significantly. Results of the research illustrate this pattern: almost half of the teenagers questioned (49%) admitted that they would under no circumstances do without social networking, while only one fifth of kids aged 8-10 years old made the same claim. The research also has shown that, the older children get, the more they move their communication with people from the offline to the online world.

Another significant part of children’s lives – education – also moves online as they grow. As children grow older, they become more willing to use the Internet to learn. 26% of 8-10 year olds agreed that they study more online than offline, but for 14-16 year olds this number has grown to 39%.

Today’s information age sees teens turn online in search of the data they need: only 13% said that they search for the things that interest them offline, while 49% go online to get the answers to their questions. All in all, three-in-four kids (74%) prefer to use the Internet to get information, rather than any other source.

Andrei Mochola, Head of Consumer Business at Kaspersky Lab, commented on this: “Our study has shown that as kids grow, they tend to switch from the physical world to the online world in almost every field of their lives. We see a clear trend that the older children get, the more their life depends on Internet access. In such circumstances, it is essential that parents explain to their kids that apart from all the positive things the Internet brings, there are also dangers that a child might not be able to recognize.

“Parental control programs can protect kids from the information that is not suitable for them, and will notify parents about the online dangers their children may be facing online. It can of course be hard to explain to a child, especially taking into account that today’s kids are digital natives – they often think they know how to use the Internet better than their parents. Our society – especially parents – need to learn how to communicate online dangers to children in a relevant, but understandable manner.”

Janice Richardson, Senior Advisor at European Schoolnet states: “The Internet is shaping the behavior of children and young people in wide-ranging aspects of their lives. It is the shared role of the family, school and the community in general, to help them use online tools and platforms responsibly and maintain a healthy life balance. It is important that online technology becomes an integral part of a child’s learning activities, whether at home or at school. More needs to be done to bring school education into line with the reality of today's world, and to stop undermining the very important role that parents play in educating their children, despite not always being able to match their technical skills.”

For more useful advice on protecting children on the Internet, visit kids.kaspersky.com. Information about a technical solution to these problems can be found at Kaspersky Safe Kids.

About iconKids & Youth

iconKids & Youth is one of Europe’s leading child & youth research agencies. Founded in 1996, its team of experienced researchers conducts about 150 studies each year and keeps up a constant and intensive dialogue with young people under 30 and related reference groups like parents. Digital media and their effects on children and adolescents have always been a high priority in the work of iconKids & Youth. Learn more at http://www.iconkids.com.

About European Schoolnet

European Schoolnet (EUN) is the network of 30 European Ministries of Education based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, it aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. To fulfill its goals, EUN develops, coordinates and implements a broad range of projects and services including the promotion of digital citizenship skills and broader take up of science education in schools, aiming to attract children towards science, technology, engineering and math. Learn more at http://www.europeanschoolnet.org.

Kaspersky Lab: Kids Spend More Of Their Lives Online As They Grow Up

Kids today spend more of their lives online than offline, according to research carried out by Kaspersky Lab and iconKids & Youth.
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